Frequent Asked Questions - FAQs
Welcome to the FAQ section for the Open Call for Innovative Projects. Here, you will find answers to the most frequent questions. If you can’t find the information you need, feel free to contact us at
Can I participate as an individual SME?
Yes, single tourism Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) as per EU recommendation 2003/361, can participate. You will find all the specific criteria in section 2.1 Eligibility Criteria. -
Is it possible to participate as a partnership?
Yes, partnerships can participate: partnerships of 2-4 tourism SMEs and also partnerships of 2-4 entities, including at least one tourism SME and one public or private entity.
For partnerships submitting a project, they must designate an application coordinator who will be responsible for submitting the application and all required documents through the project’s official website. -
Can partnerships be composed of entities from different nationalities?
No, it is not possible. The awarding process is conducted on a national basis, so partnerships must consist of entities from the same country. -
How many projects will be awarded?
The project will award 60 projects that promote digital innovation and sustainability among European tourism SMEs. Each innovative project will receive a maximum lump sum of €30,000 (excluding VAT). For each participating country (Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Spain), there will be 12 selected projects. -
Could I be selected in a country that is not my own?
No, you can only be selected by your home nation, even if another country selects fewer projects than required. -
Are there any restrictions on participation?
All the restrictions are written in section 2.1.1 Restrictions on participation. In general terms, SMEs cannot participate if they are:
- In bankrupt or undergoing liquidation/insolvency procedures;
- In similar situations due to national procedures;
- Non-compliant with regulations;
- Not maintaining proper accounting records. -
What is the deadline for submitting applications?
The submission period for project proposals is from 16 September 2024 - 09:00 CET, to 17 December 2024 - 17:00 CET. -
What documents are required for the application?
The application must include:
- Application form template - ANNEX I (ANNEX Ia for partnerships or ANNEX Ib for single SMEs). You don't need to upload it as it is included in the online application form.
- Project Plan - ANNEX II: Details of the project activities, outputs and costs. To be filled out and signed. For partnerships, it should be signed by the Legal Representative of the Coordinator. There are separate tabs for single SME applications and partnership applications.
- Company register certificate(s). In case of partnerships, all certificates must be compilled in one file.
- Declaration of Honour -ANNEX III signed by the Legal Representative. It should be signed by the legal representative. For partnerships, each member must sign a separate document but all of them must be compiled and uploaded in one file.
You will find more detailed information in section 3.2 Submission Process.
You can also download the ANNEXES I, II & III here. -
Are additional documents that explain the innovative project mandatory.
No, additional documentation for the innovative project is not mandatory. They are optional and must be included in one file. -
When will the selection results be announced?
The publication of the lists of winning SMEs will be released in January 2025. You can refer to section 7 Calendar to see approximate dates. -
How will the funds be allocated?
Payments will be made through lump sums, meaning that funding will be provided in fixed and predetermined amounts at specific stages of the project. You will receive the first pre-financing of 20% with the start of the innovative project. Upon project completion, awarded SMEs/partnerships must submit the Final Report within two months of the project's end, as specified in the IPA. Following acceptance of the Final Report, the remaining 50% of the total lump sum will be paid within 60 calendar days. -
Within what timeframe must the winning projects be implemented?
The project must be executed within a 12 month period of implementation and you also need 2 months to complete the Reporting process, based on the Implementation Plan Agreement, that will be signed, in order to commence the implementation phase of the innovative projects. The coordinator and the national fuTOURISME project partner.The winning SMEs are required to submit interim and final reports, as well as supporting documentation. -
What are the criteria for determining the best projects?
The selection criteria will be according to relevance,innovation, quality, and impact. Each section will receive a maximum of 25 points and a minimum of 14, for a total score of 100. Only applicants who reach a minimum of 70 points will be considered eligible. If the score is equal, in case of equal score, the submission with the innovation has the edge. For more information, see section 4.1 Awarding Criteria. -
What happens if an applicant's project is completed before the expected deadline?
If a project is completed early, the project partners will assess the implementation and process the financial disbursement within 60 days upon submission of the final report. -
How can applicants get assistance with their submissions?
Applicants can contact the country-based help facilities for technical support regarding the online application form. It is mandatory to contact them at least 5 days before the deadline. -
What happens if the final report is not accepted?
If the final report is not accepted, the final payment will not be made until and if issues raised are resolved. -
What kind of Deliverables/Outputs can be included in the Project Plan?
Indicative outputs and deliverables that can be included in the Project Plan are report, executive Summary, Photos, Videos, Certificate, Boarding Pass, Hotel invoice. This should be considered based on the nature of activities. -
What can be included under the cost category External expertise or services?
This category may include costs for work or services provided by third parties (e.g. consultancy fees, external expertise, costs for training courses, coaching, mentoring, etc.). This category includes contracted services that are necessary for the project. -
Are costs and activities related to infrastructures eligible?
No, these kinds of costs and activities are not eligible under this call. -
What can be purchased as equipment for the innovative project? Are there any restrictions related to equipment costs?
This can include any equipment such as tools, software, products, etc. that can support the implementation of the innovative project and is justified in the Project Plan and the Application Form. Equipment costs are limited to a maximum of 25% of the budget -
In case of partnerships, is there any limitation to the innovative project budget?
Yes, in the case of partnerships that are including SMEs and other entities, public or private, that play an instrumental role in helping the tourism SME(s) realise the innovative project, at least 70% of the budget should be allocated to tourism SME(s). -
We are a French Destination Management Company (DMC). Can we apply to the Open Call with our Italian associate, who is also a DMC operating similarly within Italy?
If your question is whether you can apply in partnership with your Italian associate, the answer is no. According to the Eligibility Criteria in Section 2.1, partnerships must consist of SMEs/entities based in the same country, and each SME must have independent legal status. Additionally, only one application per SME (either individual or in partnership) will be accepted.
However, if you’re considering applying with the Italian company instead of the French one, that would be allowed—as long as all other eligibility criteria are met. -
Can we use the 30k to subcontract a third company or entity to perform the project, such as a technological centre?
It is possible to subcontract the services of experts, as explained in the call, that are necessary for the realisation of the project, but this cannot represent the total amount of support received, as this would mean that the SME or the partnership is being used to provide funding for the project of a centre that would otherwise not be eligible under the call. In other words, the project would be a way of circumventing the eligibility requirements, as explained in point 4.1. -
Can a non-classical form of enterprise (such as a worker cooperative society, as opposed to typical ones such as a limited company or self-employed) apply for the call?
The aid goes to companies considered SMEs, which, according to EU criteria, are those with a number of employees of less than 250 people. It does not matter what legal type you are: self-employed, SL, SA, worker cooperative society, association,... as long as you have been registered for more than one year, and that you carry out an economic activity of those foreseen in the call for proposals (NACE Code, on page 40). -
What can costs for certification cover?
Based on the call, costs for certification can cover EMAS registration, EU Ecolabel certification, or other recognized schemes, leading on to environmental sustainability. Membership fees and Subscriptions are not eligible costs. -
Can we submit a proporsal that is already developing through another funds (i.e. another EU funding program)?
Based on the call, All costs to be reimbursed must be linked to the Project activities as stated in the Application form and not be covered by another EU grant. -
Can the purchase of second-hand equipment be included in the project plan?
Yes, second-hand equipment is eligible. -
Can an entity support more than one SMEs through the submission of different projects (i.e. Project 1 with SME A and Project 2 with SME B)?
No, applicants must submit one (1) application compiled in English. It means that each SME or entity can submit only an application for only one project: consequently, they can only apply with an innovative project. In these cases, it is better for entities to support the tourism SMEs in the applications and probably be subcontractors later.
The NACE Code with activities relevant to the tourism industry should be only applicable to the tourist SMEs that participate in the consortium and not to other private entities that are key to its execution?
It is confirmed that the requirements must apply to the Applicant in the case of partnerships. In case of tourism SMEs participating in the partership, the eligibility requirements should be covered by all the SMEs. In case of other private entites, participating in the schema, the requirements do not apply. -
Can a network of SMEs declared as a NGO apply?
The applicability of the requirements is contingent upon the EU definition for SMEs, the NACE code and the years of operation submitted. The network of SMEs can only be the applicant, in case is covering the eligibility criteria. If it is not aligned with these criteria, can participate in the proposal as a Partner. -
We are an Italian trade association representing travel agencies and tour operators. We are evaluating to present a project in partnership with one of our associate that is a SME. As a trade association we do not have a Vat code but only a fiscal code and all cash flows (payments to vendors and grants) would flow through the SME. As a trade association we would promote and share the benefits of the solutions created through the project to the rest of the associates. Is this approach ok and we can participate without a vat code?
Yes, the partnership must consist of at least one (1) tourism SME and at least one (1) public or private entity that plays a key role in assisting the tourism SME(s) in executing the project. The partnership must foresee an Applicant and one or more (up to three) partners. The Applicant must comply with all the requirements described in the Open Call, page 5.
Additionally, in the case of a partnership project, at least 70% of the project must be allocated to the tourism SME. In your specific case, a potential option would be for you to be considered as a subcontractor, being not part of the partnership, but with a dedicated budget under the category of "External Expertise". -
The NACE code from your list should be the first NACE code of the company?
The NACE code may also be secondary, provided that there is evidence of work in the tourism sector and that the code is included. -
I was wondering whether EMAS is an obligation.
No, EMAS is not an obligation. -
There is a minimum threshold for “external expertise” set at 40%. Is there a maximum threshold?
No, there is not. However, the project must also demonstrate its feasibility through the budget. This means that the project should not appear as a means to use the SME or partnership to secure funding for companies that would otherwise be ineligible under the call. In other words, the project cannot be a way to circumvent the eligibility requirements, as outlined in point 4.1. -
As the legal representative of two tourism SMEs that are active in different geographical areas but fall under the same NACE code, I am exploring whether it is possible for both companies to participate in the fuTOURiSME program by submitting a single project application. The key question is whether each SME can present a distinct project plan under this application, tailored to its specific operational needs, objectives, and local context, while still being treated as a single applicant within the program.
Can both of those companies apply in the futourisme programme as a single project SME with different project plan in each of them?
Each SME is permitted to submit only one project, as specified in the open call. -
Are there any restrictions on the selection of third parties/subcontractors providing external expertise?
There are no restrictions; what matters is that their contribution is relevant to the project's objectives. -
As a travel agency, is the partnership possible with a webmarketing agency?
Yes, the partnership may also take this form: the partnership must consist of at least one (1) tourism SME and at least one (1) public or private entity that plays a key role in assisting the tourism SME(s) in executing the project. -
Is it possible to apply in partnership if one the two SME satisfies the "year of operation" criteria and the other don't?
Only the applicant Coordinator in the partnership must meet all the eligibility requirements of the call, including having a specific NACE code and at least one year of experience, page 5. Meanwhile, the partners can simply be public or private entities without needing to meet all the criteria. -
Are 36 months the maximum duration of the project? Is there a minimum duration? The scheme in the example is oriented in 12 months. Correct?
The project must be implemented within 12 months, followed by 2 months dedicated to reporting. -
Is it possible to apply for a budget of 10,000, or must the project budget be defined at 30,000?
The budget that will be presented in your application shoud reach the amount of 30k. -
Is it possible to include vouchers/awards for project beneficiaries (third parties ) in the Other budget item? For example as rewards for kilometres travelled with sustainable mobility
It is not possible to provide financial support in the form of vouchers to third parties; awards may take other forms. -
Our company has been operating in the tourism sector for several years, but we don't have the correct NACE code. If we change the NACE code before the application deadline, will we be eligible?
The important factor is that, at the time of application, the NACE code must be among those eligible, and it must be demonstrable that the company is engaged in tourism activities. -
Is it possible to have a calendar of fuTOURiSME events, so that we ma be able to plan travel costs?
Travel costs do not pertain to fuTOURiSME events; they refer to the travel expenses anticipated by your innovative project. -
Is there any visibility requirement for beneficiaries?
Beneficiaries commit to promote the action and give visibility to the EU funding as well as the reached results, explaining the positive effects of the innovative practices on their visibility, sustainability and, if it occurs, on their academic performance. -
Does presenting the project in partnership give more points than presenting it as an individual?
No, presenting the project in partnership does not provide additional points compared to submitting it individually, as this is not a preferential aspect. -
I would like to know if it is relevant the registration date of the SME or the beginning of the activity.
It is important to consider the registration date of the SME rather than the start date of activities. -
Is it possible to participate with a sub-category NACE code? for example instead of NACE code 91 is it ok if applicant runs under 91.03 NACE code?
Yes, the sub-categories of NACE Codes are eligible. -
Should we provide the sme registration document in English?
The original documents can be in their original language; there is no requirement to provide them in English. -
If a company has fewer than 10 staff members, classified as a microenterprise, then it is not eligible for this call, correct?
Yes, a microenterprise can participate, provided it meets all the other eligibility criteria outlined in the call. -
What is the reporting procedure?
The reporting system for awarded innovative projects emphasizes the importance of quality. It requires the submission of an Interim Report and a Final Report (ANNEX V), which must provide a comprehensive and high-quality overview of the project's implementation and the associated use of lump sums. These reports should be supported by documentation that demonstrates the technical execution of the project, in accordance with the standards outlined in Annex II – Project Plan, submitted with the application, and specifically the provision of the documents stated in the outputs column.
The Final Report for the implemented activities must be submitted to the fuTOURiSME Consortium within two months following the implementation period, as specified in the Implementation Plan Agreement (IPA). -
Do we need to present invoices for all budget categories so to obtain the 30K?
It is not necessary to present invoices for all budget categories in order to obtain the 30,000. The reporting will be qualitative; however, it is essential to retain the receipts, as a review may be conducted subsequently by the fuTOURiSME Consortium, or EU dedicated agencies. -
Could the costs related to purchasing bicycles be included in the project?
Yes, as they fall under the category of Equipment. Only pay attention to the established limit for this cost category (maximum 25% of the lump sum). -
Is it possible to purchase solar panels?
No because they would be classified as infrastructure costs, which are not eligible.