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Be part of the twin transition. Apply to our fuTOURiSME Open Call for Inno-vative Projects for Tourism SMEs!

Updated: 3 days ago

fuTOURiSME is excited to announce an Open Call for innovative projects aimed at fostering digital and sustainable transition within the tourism sector. This initiative, funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), seeks to boost the resilience of the tourism ecosystem post-COVID-19 by promoting sustainable, digital, and inclusive tourism practices.

Do you want to be part of this #TwinTransition? Now it’s the moment to take the plunge! Keep reading to find out all about the Open Call and how to apply.

These are the Terms of References, where you will find all the details about this Open Call. Below you will find a summary with the most important information.

If you want to learn more, join our online Info Day where we'll explain the details of the Open Call. The event will be held on October 16th, 2024 (10-11 AM CET) via Zoom. Register here.


Purpose and Scope: The call aims to support the development, implementation, and scaling-up of innovative solutions for sustainable, digital, and inclusive tourism by SMEs in Europe.

This includes products, processes, services, and business models that contribute to the tourism ecosystem's innovation and transition to sustainability and digitalization.


  • 60 innovative projects will be funded with €30.000 each (excluding VAT).

  • Application Timeline:

    • Publication Date: September 16, 2024, 09:00 CET

    • Closing Date: November 27, 2024, 17:00 CET


  • Single tourism SMEs;

  • A partnership of minimum two (2) and maximum four (4) tourism SMEs;

  • A partnership comprising minimum two (2) and maximum (4) partners, including minimum one (1) tourism SME and minimum one (1) public or private entity that is/are instrumental for the tourism SME(s) to realise the project;

  • SMEs/entities must be registered for more than a year in Greece, Italy, Spain, France or Cyprus.

  • NACE Code with activities relevant to tourism industry.


Application Platform: For Single SMEs / For Partnerships

  • Submit all required documents in PDF format through the official application platform, also available on our project website.

  • Required documents:

    • Project Plan (Annex II)

    • Declaration of Honour – DoH (Annex III)

    • Certification of company registration.

  • Applications must be in English.

  • Submission Opening: September 16, 2024, 09:00 CET

  • Submission Deadline: November 27, 2024, 17:00 CET


Applications will undergo an admissibility and eligibility check followed by an evaluation based on criteria such as relevance, quality, and impact. The evaluation process ensures that selected projects align with the EU’s Transition Pathway for Tourism, focusing on sustainability, digital innovation, and inclusivity.


  • Publication Date: September 16, 2024, 09:00 CET

  • Closing Date: November 27, 2024, 17:00 CET

  • Project Implementation: March 2025 - February 2026


For additional guidance or clarification, contact the help facilities listed below or check our FAQ section:

Join us in transforming the tourism industry to be more sustainable, digital, and inclusive. Apply now and be part of the change with fuTOURiSME!

For more information, visit our official website.

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